Spoiler |
no text |
Spoiler usa código JavaScript y si quieres que esto funcione en tu wiki deberás copiar el texto de Mediawiki:Common.js para que sea similar a esta página en tu wiki. En esta página se describe el código JavaScript, que puedes usar en todas las páginas de tu wiki...
Spoiler, realized on <table class="collapsible"> |
{|class="collapsible collapsed" !Spoiler name |
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
<div class="NavHead"> Spoiler name </div>
<div class="NavContent"> text under spoiler </div>
In order that would implement a template to a page write
Spoiler |
no text |
x , x must be put in place certain parameters. The parameters are:
- title - Title of the spoiler
- text - Text under the spoiler
- bckg1 - Colour of the title
- bckg2 - Colour of the background under the title
- bord1 - Description of the boundaries of the title.
- bord2 - Description of the window under the spoiler.
- width - The width of the spoiler.
{{Spoiler| title=My spoiler| text=text under spoiler| bckg1=black| bckg2=white| color1=white| color2=blue| bord1=1px #CCFF00 solid| bord2=1px black solid| width=300px}}
My spoiler |
text under spoiler |
Spoiler-in-spoiler construction may be used, but with some bugs... for example:
1 spoiler | ||||||
but it's crashing, if first element of text parametr is spoiler again. At first you must print some words or may be picture, and after that spoiler. Bug example:
(código obtenido de la wiki rusa)
{{Spoiler|title=title of spoiler|text=text of spoiler|bckg1=Background of title|bckg2=Background of text|color1=Text colour of title|color2=Text colour of text|bord1=Border Top; Pixels, Color, Solid|bord2=Border Bottom|width=width of spoiler}}